Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Ho Ho #2

Ben and I had so much fun coming back to see everyone. Coming back to the empty apartment was sad. But we hope to come back soon. Here are some pictures from the second Christmas...
From Top to Bottom:
1. Mom and Dad with Owen (Ben and my Godson!!!!!!)
2. Ben and I with my favorite brothers
3. Aunt Martha catches Wii fever :)
4. Nate enjoys a beer while Mom and Dad play tennis on the Wii
Love you all.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Great pictures, great holiday--it was fun, wasn't it? Mike said he wanted a Wii for the kids, to help their eye/hand coordination, etc., but Jenn saw right thru THAT little plot. We miss you, too. But we'll see ya soon, godmother!