Monday, February 09, 2009

As Seen on TV

Ben and I went and got ourselves sucked into the vortex of what some may call a gimmicky product. We bought a Peticure. The Peticure is a nail file for your pet. It claims that instead of using a typical nail trimmer, that causes pressure and breaking of the nail, the Peticure gently files the nail down.

The store we buy Aida's food at (Wylie Wagg) just had gotten them back in stock and were almost out again so we decided to pick one up. They said that the peticure works really well so we figured we'd give it a shot.

The Peticure claims that you have to first introduce the product to your dog over a several day period. You need to have "positive treats" ready so your dog associates the peticure with good things. We are currently in that "introduction" period and will hopefully be able to successfully file Aida's nails soon.

We will give an update as to whether our purchase was in fact worth it soon! :)


Nate said...

Good luck! If I end up coming down sometime soon, I'm going to break out your Peticure and smack Aida every time I turn in on! Mwahahahahahaha(not hard...just enough for her to flinch)hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! >:-)

btw- Sorry to hear about the house fiasco! Liz's mom had something similar happen to one of her clients the other week. Unfortunately there's not much you can do. :-( I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway, until I hear the official word! Talk to you later!

Lynsey said...

Okay- Nate's comment is hilarious! And, although we don't have a dog- I am now intrigued to see if this works!