So back to the last few days. Last night we heard the mouse again. He/she is chewing on something around the outlet behind the stove (confirmed by Ben and his stethoscope). So Ben and I positioned ourselves on either side of the outlet and as Ben unscrewed the outlet, I stood with gloved hands and a flashlight ready to catch the little bugger. But to no avail, the mouse was not there. We both stood there waiting and eventually I did see the mouse crawl up and later, back down the insulation. Cute little thing. But a pain in the ass nonetheless.
So we set up our traps and went to bed. Today I checked out the trap to find that the mouse did in fact find his way into the trap and defecated all over the place in it. It seemed as though the mouse was in there quite awhile, but was able to eventually get out. So I went to the store, bought more traps, and a plug-in for the wall that transmits waves through the electrical wires and apparently mice can't take the high pitched sound. The other day Ben and I bought some of the same type of wall plug-ins at Costco (bulk pack) but they don't transmit the sound waves through the wires or through walls. But I am still trying them in other rooms.
Now for the picture above. Those are all the "tools" I am using for my mouse hunt: Traps, food, electronic sound things and moth balls. I have also fashioned two homemade traps. I've used a bucket and a trash can and made a ramp up to each with cardboard. I then put peanut butter on a graham cracker, and some cereal and sunflower seeds in the bucket and trash can. I am hoping the little critter(s) will make their way up the ramp and will be in the "trap" in the morning. I told Mom that I think God and Grandma are having a good ol' time watching me try and trap these pests like a crazy woman. I still have a sense of humor about the situation, but I am really wanting to rid our house of mice for good.
OK. Stop it. My cheeks hurt from laughing. Wouldn't it be great if, after all your store-bought mouse assassinators are set up, your homemade bucket traps do the job? And you're right--grandma would consider it divine justice, after having to endure your pet rats. Keep us updated! BTW, Jenn stands by her Sam's wall plug-in mouse deterrents!
hopefully the combination of everything will work to rid the house of the pests....either that or they're going to tell all of their mouse friends "the beds are a little hard but they give you minty fresh pillows and the buffet of food is incredible!"
So are you trying to get the mice drunk, too? Or is the beer between the Kix and Graham Crackers unintentional? ;-)
Leave it to you (Nate) to see the beer. And, yes, the beer was intentional. Supposedly beer attracts mice as well. Who knows....
Item #1
The humane black traps (sorry - traps of color) behind the plug-in noise makers work better with tops on them. Mice have been known to look up for a way out.
Item #2
Mice don't like lite beer.
Item #3
Way too much time on your hands. Start looking for a job.
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