Ok, this is pretty neat. We figured out that the CAT Scan Disc had the 3D images available. So I thought I would share with you a better visual of Ben's wrist. These three images are all from Ben's right wrist. You can
definitely see the damage to the top of the radial bone in all three images. The ulna bone isn't broken too much but does have a small chip that is visible in the top image. The ulna is still slightly dislocated, but is reduced to the best position for the time being (according to the O
So enjoy these cool, but slightly disturbing images. :)
*On a side note, Ben was switched from Percocet to Vicodin and took his first dose about a half an hour ago....He is really happy right now.*
COO-OOL!!! Amazing pictures! Oh, and there's a reason Vicodin is such a popular street drug...
Love to you both,
aunt m
Obviously Ben's attempt at becoming the six million dollar man. (Am I dating myself with that reference? Will anyone in your age bracket know what I'm talking about???) He's going to have to carry one of those x-ray cards when he flies to show all his metal since he will set off every metal detector in the airport! We'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow. Even though we can't be there in person, we'll be with you in our thoughts and prayers. Love you both.
Love, Mom & Dad S
Did they really need to color it like that. . . it's just plane creepy.
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