After playing with the apple, Ben decided that it would be fun to try out a potato. So we made curly potatoes with lunch. They actually turned out really good. And I am sure we will make them again.
After all the food fun, Ben and I headed out to the DMV to get my new license. My picture turned out really nice surprisingly. And the Virginia DMV is a little different from Ohio's. When you come in you have to go to the information desk. Once you "check-in" at the desk they pull a number out of a dispenser that prints out an individual business card sized paper, kind of like when you go to a deli counter. Then they tell you to sit down until they call your number. They have like 20 desks and 2 or 3 digital signs overhead scrolling the current number they are "serving." They also have this somewhat digital sounding voice come over the speakers announcing which number is next. So I just thought that the magnitude of the Virginia DMV was quite interesting.
I also registered to vote while I was there. I was pretty proud of myself for getting that handled so I can vote this November. :)
Also, for anyone who may have heard...last time I went to the eye doctor he was concerned about the cup size in my eye. He thought it could be an early sign of glaucoma and seemed a little nervous about it. So he got me in to go through a few tests in order to better figure out my enormous cups (hehe). I went in for those tests today, and, to his surprise, concluded that I am actually at low risk for glaucoma despite my large cups and optic nerves. Whoo hoo! One of the tests I did was to test my peripheral vision. I guess if there is vision loss in certain areas of your peripheral it is a sign of glaucoma. The doctor said I did really well on those tests and asked if I play video games....I said yes and asked why that would matter. He said that video games can actually improve your peripheral vision. So I thought that was pretty good validation for those years of playing video games with Nathan and Daniel...and Mom and Dad....and Aunt Martha and Uncle Larry....lots of video games. But it payed off. Thanks. :)
Glad you finally were able to use the apple peeler.It does look like a fun way to eat an apple!
Aida is the first vegetarian dog I've met. And I'm happy we played a small part in improving your peripheral vision with introducing you to Mario Bros. "No, Stephanie, that won't work. You don't have balls." Classic.
aunt m
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