Sunday, December 14, 2008
A Screeching Halt....
House 1
The first house was actually right across the street from Julie's house. The neighbors there were all very friendly, they waved to each other while driving by, etc. It was a really nice neighborhood feel. But unfortunately the house wasn't exactly what we had wanted. The biggest drawback, for me, was that there was no basement. So we left for house number two.
House 2
House 2 was in a newer allotment and was brand new itself. It was a beautiful house. We both liked it very much. It wasn't too big and had an unfinished basement that had the rough in for a bathroom. The kitchen was stunning: granite countertops, stainless steel appliances (GE Profile), dark wood cabinets....I loved it. The master bedroom was enormous! The master bath was really nice. Everything was perfect. On top of everything else, the subdivision was offering special financing for 30-year fixed mortgages at 4.875%. As if that rate was not good enough, they were also offering $10,000 towards closing costs, and a special mortgage rate of 3.8% fixed for the first two years and the 4.875% for the last 28 years. The price had also been reduced $100,000. Perfect.
Houses 3-6
Nothing to speak of. Water damage on the ceiling in one, lots of cracks in the other, nothing that compared to House numero 2.
The realtor took us out to lunch at a local Italian restaurant. The food was really good, and they even have homemade mozzarella sticks....yummy. I was sold. I loved the area all together, the neighborhood feeling was there that we miss so much from Ohio, the realtor could tell us all about the areas whether they were good or bad, how the schools were, if they were safe, etc. All things she isn't really supposed to tell us, but that we greatly appreciated and wanted to know.
Back to House 2
We decided that we would go back to the house that we both loved so much. We sat down with the sales consultant in the office and discussed numbers and the down payment. The down payment was $9,000. And we don't have $9,000 readily available. So we said we couldn't sign a contract at that moment but we wanted to see the house one more time. So as we went back to the house, another family was coming into the office to talk about the same house.
Ben and I talked all the way home about how we could come up the money so we could get this house. The whole time Ben is nervously biting his nails as I chatted away about what we could do where, all the while hoping that other family didn't buy the house.
They went into contract a couple hours later. I cried...stupid i know, but I let myself get really excited. And to be fair, I was upset not only because we loved the house, but because of what a great deal it was with all the incentives. We both felt like we really missed out on a wonderful opportunity. As the realtor said, if it was meant to be we would have gotten the house.....I just wish it had been meant to be. :(
Our search, for now, has come to a screeching halt.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Hunt is On
Just today we walked through a house in Winchester (the area an hour West of our apartment) that was on Apple Pie Ridge Road. We really liked the house. It is a small house but it sits on 2 acres. I will be posting photos soon that I took while we were at the property.
On Friday we are heading back out to Winchester to check out another property. And I will do my best to keep everyone updated on our House Hunt. :)
What's a Puggle?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
When it rains...
Monday, November 10, 2008
As I promised...
Thursday, November 06, 2008
On a roll...
Wisconsin Trip Part 1
Uncle Larry has helped me start Picasa Web albums. So enjoy this first round of Wisconsin photos. I have more photos from my other camera that i have yet to upload to the computer. So as soon as I get those organized, I will add them to the blog.
We really enjoyed ourselves in Wisconsin and wish we could have stayed longer. Hopefully we will be able to see everyone again soon.
Enjoy the slideshow. :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Delayed Update...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Visit
Monday, October 06, 2008
More Updates
After they left on Sunday, I went to town rearranging the furniture while Ben laid in the bedroom watching TV (I had kicked him out). So these photos are of our new, beautiful, furniture in our newly rearranged living room.
As for an update on Ben. He is really looking forward to having his right arm casted on Friday. Previously I posted that the cast would be up to his elbow, when in fact it will be up past his elbow with a hinge so he can move his elbow. Pretty high tech. I think we have finally gotten rid of Ben's fever, he hasn't been running one for the last two days. Although the pain is still there and very prominent, he seems to be feeling a little better as each day passes. The Vicodin is certainly helping with that! Of course, Aida didn't help matters when she decided to pounce on his right arm a little earlier...oops.
So that is the update for now. I will hopefully be able to post an image of the x-ray of his right wrist after Friday. Until then, thank you all again and again for all your concern, thoughts, and prayers.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Surgery Results
We just got back a little bit ago and I am going to eat some dinner. I will post more later I just wanted to give everyone a quick update.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
The CAT Scan Part II
Chapter 2-The CAT Scan
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Surprise Weekend
On the departure day, Ben and Dad went into Herndon to a bread shop to pick up some yummy honey whole wheat bread while Mom and I got ready to go. After breakfast we headed up to Baltimore's Inner Harbor to spend a few hours before their flight. The traffic wasn't too bad driving up to Baltimore after we took a detour around I-495 (it was a parking lot!). We ended up taking the George Washington Parkway thru DC, which turned out to be a really fun. We could see Georgetown, the Washington Monument, The Capitol Building, and some other monuments from the Parkway.
Once we got to Baltimore we had a heck of a time finding a parking spot. Ben ended up getting focused and making a u-turn very illegally. We parked in a lot that ended up costing us $26!!!! We ate at Phillips seafood restaurant that was supposed to have Baltimore's best crab cakes. The experience was not a good one. The service was very very slow, the food was not good (except Dad's crab cake and Ben's mashed potatoes), and we were left with only like fifteen minutes to walk around. Despite the bad restaurant experience, the company was good.
We walked around for a bit and called it a teaser for Mom and Dad encouraging them to come back for a longer stay so we could take them to Baltimore for an entire day.
On a side note, we ended up being gone for around 6 and a half hours with Aida being home alone the entire time. She behaved herself wonderfully with no accidents or problems. This morning when Aida and I got up, she quickly ran out into the living room apparently looking for her grandma and grandpa. It was cute, but we were both bummed that they weren't still here.
Overall our visit was a lot of fun. And we are looking forward to more fun come October 10th!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
And last but not least, Aida took a nap on her grandpa and grandma's couch and on uncle Dan's lap. How cute is this picture? It is hard to resist Aida's adorable face plopped down on whatever piece of furniture she wants to get invited up on. Even grandpa can't resist letting his grandpuppy up on his previously off limits to animals furniture.
I would like to make a special note to inform you that during a rousing game of Pictionary we all learned that Aunt Martha is a very talented artist. I mean, her rendition of a tongue depressor was down right inspiring....And during a game of Cranium, Uncle Larry gave an award winning charade's performance of Tyra Banks. The critics are raving about our talented family members...perhaps an encore is in the future? :)
Overall, we had a very fun visit. Unfortunately, we probably won't be back in Ohio for awhile. But we are looking forward to our guests in October: Mom, Dad, Aunt Martha and Uncle Larry. We're counting down: 4 weeks from today!
As always, we miss everyone! Love you all.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
The Lost Post
One of the main reasons we came back was to go to Sean and Lynsey's wedding. They had a beautiful day for a wedding, and a beautiful wedding all around. We had lots of fun with Matt, Cat and Brett at the reception (and Nathan). I got to see a lot of people i went to school with that i hadn't seen in years.
That visit Dad also had his veins stripped in his one leg (fun times). So that was another reason we came back, we wanted to help out as much as we could.
Once i get my photos off the camera, i will post from our most recent visit. I hope everyone is doing well, we miss you all.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Anniversity!
After the Algonkian Park we headed over to Great Falls Park. It was beautiful! Aida was funny because she would hop up onto the stone wall that was barricading the visitors from getting too close to the river and would walk along the wall up against the wooded rail. It was quite a sight considering the width of the wall that she could walk on was only like 6 inches or so. Either way, she seemed to really enjoy herself.
After about an hour or so we headed out, as we were all tired and thirsty. I took a picture of the drive on the way out because i thought it was pretty in case you were wondering about the picture of the road. We decided that Aida just needed to have an ice cream cone for being such a good girl at the park. And while we were at it, we might as well treat ourselves too.
Friday, August 22, 2008
So here is a quick picture of our first meal on our new plates.
I have a lot of pictures from this past visit that i am slowly working on. I will post another blog entry soon! I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seats. :)
Monday, July 07, 2008
Luray Virginia
I have lots of pictures of the cows. There was an apple tree in the front yard of the cabin and those cows loved the apples.
The Luray Caverns were one of my favorite activities from the trip. It was unbelievable. I have tons of pictures from the caverns, so if anyone wants to see more stalactites and stalagmites :) just let me know. And Dad has just as many pics...Ben kept calling him Ansel Adams because of all the photos he was taking.
Although Ben's birthday isn't until the 17th, we all wanted to have a little celebration for him. So I had picked up a banana cream pie and decorated it. After the Happy Birthday song and pie we all played a big game of Cranium and of course laughed a lot.
I just thought this was a really cute picture. Aida was very happy to see the family and loved hanging out with Mom and Dad.
This photo is also from Skyline Drive.
All in all, we had a great vacation. The weekend seemed to go by way too fast. Sadly we did not see a bear, even with the trail of chum that i left from the fishing pond to the cabin's fence. But we did see some deer, rabbits and of course the cows. :)
The best end to the vacation came when Ben and I convinced (it didn't take much) Mom, Dad and Daniel to come back to our place for the night. We stopped at a little BBQ stand for lunch that we had been wanting to take the family to. After lunch we came back to the apartment and relaxed. Dad took a nap, Ben and Daniel played a video game, and mom and I researched wineries for their October trip with Aunt Martha and Uncle Larry. For dinner we took them (we drove, they payed :) ) to Fireworks pizza in Leesburg. It was a big hit.
We played Cranium again, and got guaranteed laughs. Mom honed her humming skills for the many humdingers and Dad brushed up on his silent acting.
Unfortunately, they left this morning. But it was very nice to have the extra time with them.
Hope everyone had a good 4th of July!