Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Anniversity!

It has officially been one year since Ben and I tied the knot!!! Whoo hoo! We decided that although another trip to Jamaica to celebrate our anniversary would have been tolerable we wanted to keep it low key this year. Well, i guess the lack of money played into our low key plan as well.... Anyways, we stuck around here for our one year festivities.
The day started out nice, Ben came home with beautiful flowers for me, and i made breakfast ( homemade waffles, yum!). And incidentally, Sara (my cousin) sent us an e-card that informed us that August 24th is in fact "Waffle Day" celebrating the waffle iron's patent date from many years ago. Who knew?! So i suppose making waffles on our nifty waffle iron will have to be a must on our anniversary's to come.
I gave Ben a "Manly Movie Night" as a gift for our anniversary. He is always talking about not having a guy around to watch a manly movie with, so i thought it would be nice to give him a voucher for one manly movie of his choice and a package of movie watching must-haves. I included a big box of popcorn, some milk duds, twix, and a six pack of IBC rootbeer. On top of the super cool movie package I put together all the paperwork I have been filling out and working on to officially change my last name. I put it all in a nice little folder with a ribbon around it. He was quite excited. Although we both go by "Mr and Mrs Roadruck," and have since the wedding, i thought it would be nice to make it completely official.
Speaking of anniversary, many of you may be curious as to the "Happy Anniversity!" title of this post. No, it is not a typo, rather it is a reference from many years ago. Back in the good old days when the family used to make a yearly "camping" trip to Cook Forest, PA, one of Mom and Dad's anniversaries happened to fall during the week we were there. So Aunt Martha and Uncle Larry got a cake from the closest store (an hour away!) and had them write "Happy Anniversary!" on the cake. Well, it turns out that somebody flunked 4th grade spelling, and wrote "Happy Anniversity!" instead. So it has become a joke to all who know the anniversity legend.

Okay, back to our celebration day...Later that day we took ourselves out to a nice dinner at Red Rock Canyon. It was delicious. Because the restaurant was practically right next door to Trader Joe's we just had to stop and pick up some mochi. I think the last time we had mochi was when our friend's Matt and Cat came down and Matt discovered his love for Trader Joe's mochi. We also made a quick stop to Cheesecake factory where Ben picked up his favorite, Banana Cream Cheesecake. And i got sinfully rich Fudge Cake. We figured that while frozen, year-old cake from our wedding sounded very appetizing, we wanted a back up. Once we were back to the apartment we broke into the old cake.

And you would not believe how good it was. No joke! The cake was just as good as it was freshly baked. We decided that since we were so nice about not smashing the cake in each other's face at the wedding, we would have fun on our we did.

After our "eating" our cake (Aida was our own little automatic vacuum cleaner as icing and crumbs fell on the floor), we watched our wedding video. And like the party animals that we are, we were in bed and asleep by 10:30.

Today we decided to extend our celebration by heading out to Great Falls Park. On the way however, we went "left for adventure!" (another inside joke) and ended up at Algonkian Regional Park. As soon as we pulled in we saw a deer taking her time walking across the road. Soon after we saw several more deer. I think in total we must have seen 6-7 fawns and around 5 doe's. There were so cute! As Mom would say, "It was a WONDERFUL Deer Day!"

After the Algonkian Park we headed over to Great Falls Park. It was beautiful! Aida was funny because she would hop up onto the stone wall that was barricading the visitors from getting too close to the river and would walk along the wall up against the wooded rail. It was quite a sight considering the width of the wall that she could walk on was only like 6 inches or so. Either way, she seemed to really enjoy herself.

After about an hour or so we headed out, as we were all tired and thirsty. I took a picture of the drive on the way out because i thought it was pretty in case you were wondering about the picture of the road. We decided that Aida just needed to have an ice cream cone for being such a good girl at the park. And while we were at it, we might as well treat ourselves too.

All in all, we had a wonderful anniversary. We are still very happy and can't believe it has already been a year! Thank you to everyone who wished us a Happy Anniversary and sent us cards, we feel very loved.
Hope you all enjoyed my very lengthy, full of pictures, post. Love you all!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Well, we finally got around to finding a set of dishes we liked! And thanks to the generosity of Mom and Dad we were able to get enough sets to have people over! Our last set of dishes were Ben's from when he first moved to Virginia. Ben loved them, and I did too, except over the last several months we have been working with only 3 bowls, 3 small plates and 4 big plates and no mugs. The dishes have been slowly chipping, cracking or all out busting apart (in the microwave). So needless to say, we are sooooooo happy to have 6 place settings!

So here is a quick picture of our first meal on our new plates.

I have a lot of pictures from this past visit that i am slowly working on. I will post another blog entry soon! I know you are all waiting on the edge of your seats. :)